love lesson #15 – fill their cups

love lesson #15 -

love lesson #15 -

I’m taking the 40 day Praying the Promises challenge with Arabah Joy. I’ve never met her. I’ve never even stumbled across her blog before. But something in me told me to pay closer attention to this message. So, while I was browsing through Pinterest, I scrolled back to her post and clicked the Pin It button. I accepted the challenge, and now I am to pray a different scriptural promise over my children every day for 40 days.

Because I’m a visual learner, I wrote the first 7 scriptures (totally paraphrased!) onto a card (below). Lots of different fonts and varying colors, but the message seems to be the same. PRAY FOR GOD TO COVER MY CHILDREN WITH HIS PRESENCE. All that is right, and lovely, and praiseworthy. Pray for His magnificent spirit to take center stage in their lives, over frustrating jobs, constant peer pressure, and electronic entertainment. Pray for God to pour His oil of joy over them. To clothe them in His garments of praise. All things right, and true, and pure, and godly.

Fill up their cups, Lord. Fill up their lives. With you.

week one praying for my children challenge - 


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