wardrobe architect – week 8 – color story

my color story - myfrenchtwist.com

my color story - myfrenchtwist.com

Before we actually start shopping for patterns and choosing fabrics, it makes sense to devote a week to thinking deeply about color. Color is a powerful force and an important component in building a capsule wardrobe. I’m sure we’ve all worn outfits that we thought we liked, but we just didn’t feel our best when wearing them. Most likely, it had to do with the color. Colette’s Wardrobe Architect project says this about color: “Perhaps you can’t articulate why a certain shade of apricot feels good to you, but a slightly yellower shade does not. Somewhere deep within your mind, a combination of biology, culture, and context makes that decision before you are even aware of it.” We connect with color intimately, especially when it comes to our clothes.

As we begin to think about the garments we’ll be sewing soon, we should first just reflect on the colors to which we are naturally drawn. Then go a step further and create a mood board or collage depicting those colors.

The most logical place to look for colors that you love is in your closet. I did, and I have to admit that I wasn’t very surprised to find what I like to call all things indigo. Chambray, denim, turquoise… I just love blue, so here’s one of my mood boards.

all things indigo - myfrenchtwist.com

Another place to spot those colors that often call your name is in – what else? – your fabric stash. Without even looking, I can tell you that mine contains a lot of yellow fabrics. I especially love a sweet print (below) by Art Gallery Fabrics called Love Notes Retro. Just the name of that fabric makes me love it even more. My yellow inspiration:

saffron provence - myfrenchtwist.com

Thirdly, I scoured through all of my Pinterest boards, just out of curiosity, and selected the pictures (regardless of the subject) that evoked a strong emotion from me. Pictures that repeatedly drew my attention. I wanted to see what, if any, color palette would organically emerge. Three colors stood out, so I assembled them into groups.

I have always loved crisp, clean whites and varying shades of charcoals.

neutrals - myfrenchtwist.com

This next board surprised me just a bit. I know I always gravitate towards blues and aquas, but I’m seeing a green trend emerge.

greens - myfrenchtwist.com

Finally, my yellows! Only I keep spotting bright pinks, melons and sometimes a robin’s egg blue mixed in. This will be my inspiration for punctuating my closet with color!

colors - myfrenchtwist.com

This is a simple exercise but an important one. I believe it will be a useful tool when hitting the fabric stores!

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